Friday 8 February 2013

Wooden Boat Show, Hobart. Day 1

Watched the sail past today, just our luck that they decided to use the far side of the river, so we didn't get too good a picture of all the boats sailing. Will make up for that tomorrow when we go to see them in the harbour.

After boats we went up the mountain to have a look at boats form a distance. Long way up Mt Wellington but the view is worth it. A lot of smoke from bush fires made it a bit hazy but only in one direction.

Outside our tent this morning, campsite at Snug.
Sail past on the other side
This one came over to our side to tack.
Loved the rudder on this one
This poor man rowed up the course, I have no idea what time he must have got in, he had wind and tide against him
View from the top of Mt Wellington

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