Thursday 21 February 2013

Last few days in Tasmania

After we left Snug it was a very quick trip up to Devenport.

We stopped at Triabunna for one night and on the road the following day we met about 400 cyclists from Victoria on a cycling holiday, on their way to Triabunna. Odd thing, they stopped at the same coffee shop as us so it was a bit of a crush to get served, we won.

Our last two nights before Devenport were at Narawntapu National Park opposite Port Sorrel. Lovely and peaceful on the estuary.

Last night in a cabin in Devenport, with a trip to the cinema to see Quartet, brilliant film but made me cry heaps.

Spiky bridge outside Triabunna
We got our coffee first, they were too busy on the phone
View from the tent Narawntapu
Ferry coming in the night before we left Tasmania

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