Thursday 21 February 2013

The last long ride home

It is about 2500k from Melbourne to Hervey Bay. Our first impulse to race back but after due consideration we won't.

Our first night was in Rosevale, under the Freeway. Well it felt like that, we were actually on a lovely grassy site but very close to the road. There are a lot of very big trucks that use the A1, and all have air brakes.

Next stop we thought maybe it would be a good idea not to camp beside the A1, so took a quick detour down to Corringle Beach opposite Malo which is where the Snowy River pours into the sea. Very good choice, here we have the pounding surf to lull us to sleep. When we arrived lots of kayaks on the river beside the camp site, so off came the kayaks ready for tomorrow. Unfortunately the weather changed and it is raining, it does mean I can get on with the blog.

The beach at Corringle
Me standing in the Snowy River as it hits the sea
The river Avon, Stratford

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