Friday 8 February 2013

Week 61. Ulverstone and Bothwell, Tasmania

We made it to Tasmania, couldn't find anywhere to sleep in Devenport when we got off the ferry so went along to Ulverstone where we splurged on a cabin, warm, comfortable no wind, heaven.

Drove down the middle of Tasmania as we haven't been that way before, past the Great Lake and stopped in Bothwell. After going to Deloraine and Latrobe, great patchwork shop in Latrobe.

Bothwell is the home to several famous people we were told, one of them being a German who did low frequency radio radio telescope, Australia must be good for this so many of them.

As a bit of interest the optical telescope we saw in Siding Springs has been damaged by fire, not sure how bad.

Leaving Port Phillip Bay
RAAF monument Ulverstone
Patchwork Shop, Latrobe
Campsite Bothwell
Steppes Homestead, midland Tasmania.

1 comment:

  1. There's some up-to-date info on Siding Springs here...

    Three buildings were lost but not the ones housing the telescopes, which were saved by fire fighters (and luck).
