Monday 30 January 2012


Well that has been a very interesting couple of days. Having rushed back on Saturday to get home before the thunderstorms. Yesterday we went for a kayak just after lunch, and later played will It, won't it rain, then about 5.30 it did. Our camp site was a big mistake, lesson learned. Within 20mins we were ankle deep in water, when I took the photo's. 10 mins after that it was half way up my leg. Both Trevor and I dug holes under the fence that an Irish navvy would have been proud of. As we dug holes to let the water drain away the rain increased and the water rose, watching it climb up the plastic sides of the tent put renewed vigor into the digging. Trevor went outside the fence and dug some serious ditches in the dunes and we started to win. By 6.30 it had stopped, by 8 we had showered and got dry clothes on, by 8.30 we were at it again. Longer duration less intensity, Trevor still clearing the holes to keep the water flow going, I chickened out and stayed in the tent, shouting encouragement. Stopped about midnight.

This morning we cancelled our move and stayed another night in Port Augusta, It has taken us much of the day to get the mud and filth off our camp equipment and kayaks, wash filthy clothes and get Trevor new glasses as he lost his in the flood waters, I also lost my sunglasses. We got off lightly, the water didn't get into the tent so all our bedding was dry and apart from feeling very tired and aching a bit today all is well.

Camping has its adventures.

1 comment:

  1. You are having an adventure! Glad to hear you are both ok
