Saturday 4 February 2012

Week 8. Port Augusta -Whyalla- Tumby Bay.

Our first seaside stop since Wooli, crystal clear water but warning signs along the beach, Beware Razor Fish wear shoes. As the weather has been very windy and cool not much chance of going in the water but I have my hiking boots just in case.

Port Phillip yesterday, coffee, shopping, visitor centre. Quick drive around town and to see the Endeavour tied up along side the jetty, not open until today, so will see that on Monday when we move on. Then a drive inland to a museum at Koppio, population 3. The original smithy and cottage/post office and then lots of buildings donated from around the district plus machinery and carriages. Fascinating place could have spent lots more time but we had already overstayed the closing time by half and hour. Also a room dedicated to the bush fire in January 2005, very moving. The fire went around the museum but destroyed the property across the road.

1. Remains of a tree on site after the fire
2. Inside the Smithy cottage
3. The wash area out back
4. The Endeavor, in Port Lincoln
5. school room, closed 1970
6. Front of the Smithy Cottage
7. Building brought in from nearby, logs and mud infill

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