Friday 6 January 2012

Women can't read maps !!!

We tried today to follow the map given to us from the tourist information office yesterday.

We spent 4.5 hours looking in a space of about 5 sq miles. Not only did we not see the things marked on the map the only place that the map said that there were toilets, was right but they were locked.

Never the less we did find this in a tree at the locked toilets, about 2 m long we thought.

We finally discovered that Kings Billabong is a nature reserve to be viewed from a platform not to be tramped through, and Red Cliffs Reserve we have no idea. Will try again tomorrow.

Silly me, of course Trentham Estate is 500 m from the camp site, that took up coffee time and I went for a walk along the river bank first thing this morning. The river bank is 500m behind the camp site. I have no idea why we bothered to go out today, it's all on our doorstep.


  1. We ran over a lizard just like that near Alice Springs once. Thought it was dead, but as we went to look at it, it got up and scuttled off into the bush.

  2. Very glad this thing didn't scuttle anywhere far too big.
