Tuesday 10 January 2012


We tried again to be tourists, in NSW this time, Wentworth. Lots to do and clearly marked on the maps. When we arrived at each location it was open and helpful staff gave us information, it was like being on another planet to Victoria.

The jail was great very glad enforced deportation is still not used, early Australians were into overcrowding in a big way.

Perry Sandhills reminded me a lot of the Pinnicles in WA but no structures only dunes. The tree has been slowly buried under the moving dunes and it is unusual to be able to walk in the upper canopy.

Last stop was the meeting of the two great rivers, The Murray and The Darling. You could clearly see the two waters coming together, milky from QLD, the Darling and clearer from the mountains, the Murray.


  1. This is the tree I meant to comment on, sorry it went in the wrong page !

  2. That, s Ok Sue, I can't drive the blog too well either. Fingers seem to hit buttons willy nilly.
