Wednesday 15 February 2012

Ellison - Streaky Bay

Ellison was a bit short on facilities like shops for food so moved on to Streaky Bay.

Detours to-
Talia caves
Venus Bay
Point Labatt Sea Lion Colony

Thought I might have a problem at the caves as the entry was down the cliff face, it turned out to be quiet a shallow descent so no problem. The rocks into the cave were covered in lose sand so I didn't get too far, Trevor managed to go further his shoes gripped better. Two caves, Woolshed and the Tub, could see the tub but not why the Woolshed.
Venus Bay was absolutely beautiful especially as the coffee shop did home made cakes.
Point Labatt and the sea lion colony was quiet a long way off the beaten track and very windy when we got there. Lots of notices about the cliff edges being very unstable, then we had to walk out onto a viewing platform on the cliff edge to see the sea lions, I was extremely brave and walked out onto the platform took my picture and as the wind shook the platform beat a hasty retreat, nobody said a had to be brave for a long time.
On the last stretch to Streaky Bay we came across traffic lights, road works and rain, on the dirt road.

1 comment:

  1. I found an easier way to see the complete photos instead of clicking on each one to see it individually, and thought other readers of this blog might find it useful: the photos are missing the right hand side because of the two-column page format imposed by the style sheet. If you turn off the style sheet you get to see the complete photos. In Firefox the way to do that is to click on View -> Page Style -> No Style. In Internet Explorer apparently it's in Tools -> Internet options -> Accessibility, although I don't use IE so I can't confirm that. I can't see any easy way to do it in Google Chrome, but perhaps there is an extension that could be installed.
