Monday, 30 January 2012


Well that has been a very interesting couple of days. Having rushed back on Saturday to get home before the thunderstorms. Yesterday we went for a kayak just after lunch, and later played will It, won't it rain, then about 5.30 it did. Our camp site was a big mistake, lesson learned. Within 20mins we were ankle deep in water, when I took the photo's. 10 mins after that it was half way up my leg. Both Trevor and I dug holes under the fence that an Irish navvy would have been proud of. As we dug holes to let the water drain away the rain increased and the water rose, watching it climb up the plastic sides of the tent put renewed vigor into the digging. Trevor went outside the fence and dug some serious ditches in the dunes and we started to win. By 6.30 it had stopped, by 8 we had showered and got dry clothes on, by 8.30 we were at it again. Longer duration less intensity, Trevor still clearing the holes to keep the water flow going, I chickened out and stayed in the tent, shouting encouragement. Stopped about midnight.

This morning we cancelled our move and stayed another night in Port Augusta, It has taken us much of the day to get the mud and filth off our camp equipment and kayaks, wash filthy clothes and get Trevor new glasses as he lost his in the flood waters, I also lost my sunglasses. We got off lightly, the water didn't get into the tent so all our bedding was dry and apart from feeling very tired and aching a bit today all is well.

Camping has its adventures.

Sunday, 29 January 2012

Melrose-Port Augusta

We were going to stop off at Alligator Gorge just outside Wilmington but the sign said unsuitable for towing vehicles so we moved on to Port Augusta put the tent up then went back to the gorge. Really glad we did as it was a must see. 2k walk took 2 hours as it was straight down to the gorge then straight back up at the end, a little rain helped keep things on the bearable side. On the way home we noticed huge thunderstorms, it was so flat we could see storms all around. Unfortunate for us we had left the tent open to keep it cool, mad race back to camp, only to be stopped by the police going over Horrock,s pass as there had been a bad accident lower down, turn around and add an hour on the journey to go through Quorn, not much petrol, never mind fill up in Quorn, closed. We scraped home and closed the tent then watched the rain pass us by. Lesson learnt.

Week 7 Williamstown-Kapunda-Clare-Melrose

Stopped off in Mintaro to visit Martindale Hall, built in 1879-80 Still do b&b so it remains as if the last occupants had just gone on holiday. Great time poking about the rooms, it's self guided so you can stay as long as you like, loved it. Photo of the house and the coach house, when we first arrivedI thought the coach house was the house, big mistake.

Included is the sign to welcome you into Clare, for any Clareites.

Camped in Melrose, woken by huge flocks of white cockatoos, noisy old birds but fun to watch, glad it won't be every morning.

Thursday, 26 January 2012

Australia Day 2012

Up with the larks and off to breakfast at Gawler, Apex Park, for the Citizen ceremony and the Australia Day awards. Gawler Quilting won the Community Group of the Year, how's that. Maggie Beer was making the awards, nice to see her for real and yes she is always smiling. Then on to Whistler Winery, Tununda for an afternoon of music and food. We were going to stay for the concert in the evening but too much wine and food makes you sleepy and I am ashamed to say I wanted my bed.

Wonderful day no rain(sorry QLD) warm and breezy.

1st photo. Trevor finishing his breakfast
2nd. The winery
3rd Maggie making awards

Friday, 20 January 2012

Joyce Yvonne Bradley nee Peacock

In memory of my Mother.

18th April 1919 - 17th January 2012

For ever in my thoughts.

Monday, 16 January 2012

Week 6

Paringa-Loxton-Swan Reach-Walkers Flat-Mt Pleasant-Cudlee Creek-Williamstown.

We came right off the main roads and cut across country. The last of the flat Murray Darling basin country. Stopped at Swan Reach to take photo's of the cliffs and the murray river. Tried to get to a camp site at Cudlee Creek but couldn't find it so moved on the Williamstown. The camp is next to the swimming pool and the some people run both so as its going to be hot again tomorrow, all in the pool.

Photos of the cliffs at Swan Reach.

Sunday, 15 January 2012

Sunset in Paringa

Spelling mistake earlier. It is Chowilla not choowilla.

This is the fabulous sunset 2 nights ago that heralded the change in weather. We have gone from cold for here to nice and warm, but tomorrow is 37, never mind better too warm than too cold.

Saturday, 14 January 2012

Kayaks on Ral Ral Creek

Great afternoon on the creek, so peaceful. By being quiet we creep up on the wild life, but kayaks keep moving and that perfect shot is very illusive, not only that the wildlife keeps moving as well. Practice is what I need. As I take the photos, just to prove I go on the kayak as well a photo of own feet working hard.

Friday, 13 January 2012

Choowilla Game Reseve

This was a 4k walk round the reserve. Nice to get away from the hustle and bustle.

Thought we would treat ourselves to fish and chips for tea but it turns out the only shop in town had shut down, quiet a few unhappy people standing outside. As luck would have it the pub over the road did a very nice fish and chips so no cooking for me.

Thursday, 12 January 2012

Murtho Forest Lookout

Went for a tour about yesterday, if the wind goes down to moderate we might take the kayaks out to look at this.

Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Week 5. Mildura to Paringa/Renmark SA

Only 140k this time, we had organized a postal pickup in Renmark. When we arrived we were told nothing had been delivered so we went away to have coffee and ponder. On returning low and behold it had arrived so we could catch up on bills and things.

A bill from France had been travelling around since July last year, paid now and new address installed, sorry Marie Claud.

Having to consult diaries and blog to find out where I am and where I have been so spending a bit of quiet time in Paringa.


We tried again to be tourists, in NSW this time, Wentworth. Lots to do and clearly marked on the maps. When we arrived at each location it was open and helpful staff gave us information, it was like being on another planet to Victoria.

The jail was great very glad enforced deportation is still not used, early Australians were into overcrowding in a big way.

Perry Sandhills reminded me a lot of the Pinnicles in WA but no structures only dunes. The tree has been slowly buried under the moving dunes and it is unusual to be able to walk in the upper canopy.

Last stop was the meeting of the two great rivers, The Murray and The Darling. You could clearly see the two waters coming together, milky from QLD, the Darling and clearer from the mountains, the Murray.

Friday, 6 January 2012

Women can't read maps !!!

We tried today to follow the map given to us from the tourist information office yesterday.

We spent 4.5 hours looking in a space of about 5 sq miles. Not only did we not see the things marked on the map the only place that the map said that there were toilets, was right but they were locked.

Never the less we did find this in a tree at the locked toilets, about 2 m long we thought.

We finally discovered that Kings Billabong is a nature reserve to be viewed from a platform not to be tramped through, and Red Cliffs Reserve we have no idea. Will try again tomorrow.

Silly me, of course Trentham Estate is 500 m from the camp site, that took up coffee time and I went for a walk along the river bank first thing this morning. The river bank is 500m behind the camp site. I have no idea why we bothered to go out today, it's all on our doorstep.

Thursday, 5 January 2012


Went to the Inland Botanic Gardens today, very hot and the theme is to walk and enjoy. Well we did for a bit then decided to stop at the cafe for ice cream. We got there at 3.02 and the cafe closed at 3. Never mind had one on the way home.

Picture of the Mallee tree, it's 2500 years old, although the top can burn off or get cut off the root system keeps going. In the picture the roots are 2500 and the top growth is only about 700 years old, seen some things I bet.

The irrigation I saw yesterday is part of the Murry River Scheme, they seem to be growing most of the table grape consumption in Australia, not to mention Lindemans wine.

The gardens also had a renovated homestead and sheep shearing shed.

Wednesday, 4 January 2012

Hay to Trentham Cliffs

Here for 5 days, still hot but only 32.

Photos Along the way.

It seemed that we were driving through a barren landscape but looking closely you could see huge irrigation works and canals, so I think that beyond our sight was a huge industry trundling away. The photo of the sprayer shows only a part, I counted 14 arches in total. All on the one machine.

Grenfell to Hay

Met the fruit fly exclusion zone 200k before I thought. Box of peaches bought in the Blue Mountains is still full. Answer, stop at the side of the road and cook as many of the peaches as you can, then stand on the side of the road and give them away. All worked beautifully.

While we were cooking peaches noticed that the temperature had climbed. When we got to Hay, 42 degrees came up on the thermometer. By 11 that night it had gone as low as 29 degrees and we could go to sleep at last. Hopefully this will not be repeated too often.

Landscape Grenfell to Hay.
Cooking peaches

Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Week 4. Wisemans Ferry to Grenfell.

Off to Grenfell in NSW, over the Blue Mountains and a quick walk to a lookout at Bells. It said 1km but it was nearer 5. The temperature went to 38 and we got very hot. To make ourselves feel better we stopped overnight in an air conditioned cabin, bliss.

Photos are from the lookout.

Sunday, 1 January 2012

New Years Eve

Actually stayed up to see the New Year in but I was in bed by 00.10. Lots of partying on the campsite, Queen on full blast on the iPod takes care of all that.

New years day is hot, and the people on the river have kept us fully entertained. All I need is a bit more sleep.

Old Great North Road

This road was built in 1826 - 1832. As a piece of engineering it's pretty fantastic. Only walked up as far as Devines Hill but it was a hot walk, I cannot imagine how the 720 convicts who built the road must have felt.