Saturday 12 January 2013

Halls Gap

Extreme heat again and we thought we would beat it by coming to Halls Gap. Not. It was the first time there was a complete fire ban and we couldn't even use the gas cooker. All cooking had to be done in the camp kitchen on electric. Eerie hearing about all the fires in Victoria and sitting in the middle of a forest. Lots of the fires had been set by arsonists so it felt really unsafe because you have no protection against idiots.

Apart form that enjoyed ourselves. Went for a walk up to Chataugua Peak, I got very spooked at the top didn't like it at all. Trev took the pictures. Took in the Grand Canyon Loop in the afternoon which was a mistake and we overdid it. Went for a drive to Mackenzie Falls and wisely did the top flat walk and left the rock hopping to fitter souls.

the photo of the metal is of a bridge washed away in the 2011 floods. It looks quite substantial so would not have liked being there at the time.

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