Wednesday 5 December 2012

Week 52. Toowoomba

Spent 4 days in Toowoomba, such a lot to see. The history and the buildings. The Christmas lights. The Myers Centre, more about that later.

We walked the walks, very well laid out and the brochures very easy to follow, the heat made sure we only walked before 8 in the morning and after 5 in the evening, but we did them all.

I am afraid that because of an update to my IPad what ever I put in the list to describe the photos when it is puplished the photos move around so the list is superfluous, as you guessed from a post or two ago.

So a general description.

Photos of the Carnival of Christmas lights.
Buildings in Toowoomba
Spring Bluff railway station devastated in the floods of 2011, they even laid on a train

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