Thursday 10 May 2012


Camping in Denham has some peculiar Side effects. We had to use and electric drill with a drill bit about a foot long to drill the holes to get the tent pegs in. The ground is compacted shell.

Went for a sail this time out in the bay, the wind was gentle and I at least had a great time. Trev likes more wind as his kayak is harder to push through the water. Can't please everyone.

Visited Peron Homestead, part of the national park now and the buildings are quite run down but does give you a good idea about life on a sheep station.

On the way out we revisited shell beach and the shell quarry. They use the shell blocks to repair historic buildings inn Denham. Then on to the telegraph Station and Stromatolites .

1. Shell block quarry
2. Historic shell block building in Denham
3. Shearing stands Peron Homestead
4. Stromatolites
5. Shell Beach. Can be 5m deep in shells.
6. Shark Bay


  1. Hello Michele, now and then I have a look at your blog. Seem very interesting your trip. We keep an eye on you and Trev.
    Franz & Lis

    1. Hi Lis,

      Great to know you are following our trip. In Coral Bay on the Ningaloo Reef at the moment, great snorkeling.


    2. Hi Lis,

      Great to know you are following our trip. In Coral Bay on the Ningaloo Reef at the moment, great snorkeling.

