Monday, 21 May 2012


Had Trev's birthday in Exmouth.

Went to Yardie Creek Gorge, Tourquiose Bay. A brilliant part of WA, more people than a few years ago but as its World Heritage Listed maybe it will remain a truly unspoilt part of coastline.

Coral Bay-Charles Knife Gorge

Did a lot of traveling this week, we didn't manage to get into the National Park it meant queuing at 6am to fight for a place so opted to stay in Yardie Homestead.

For the next two weeks it looks as if we will be out of telephone range, so no blog for a while.

Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Week 23. Coral Bay

Down time for a few days. Nothing to do but eat, sleep and be on the beach or snorkel, someone has to do it.

Week 22. Carnarvon and Quobba Blowholes

Spent 4 days in Carnarvon catching up on things, not much goes on in the town so we were not distracted. Did visit the Heritage Village but didn't walk the jetty had coffee instead.

On the other hand 3 days camping at the Quobba Blowholes was good fun, our first totally self contained campsite, the porta potti came into play at last.


Light keepers cottage, Carnarvon
Quobba blowhole
Campsite Quobba blowholes
Quobba coastline
Chain water pump Carnarvon

Thursday, 10 May 2012


Camping in Denham has some peculiar Side effects. We had to use and electric drill with a drill bit about a foot long to drill the holes to get the tent pegs in. The ground is compacted shell.

Went for a sail this time out in the bay, the wind was gentle and I at least had a great time. Trev likes more wind as his kayak is harder to push through the water. Can't please everyone.

Visited Peron Homestead, part of the national park now and the buildings are quite run down but does give you a good idea about life on a sheep station.

On the way out we revisited shell beach and the shell quarry. They use the shell blocks to repair historic buildings inn Denham. Then on to the telegraph Station and Stromatolites .

1. Shell block quarry
2. Historic shell block building in Denham
3. Shearing stands Peron Homestead
4. Stromatolites
5. Shell Beach. Can be 5m deep in shells.
6. Shark Bay

Sunday, 6 May 2012

Kalbarri Z bend gorge.

Great gorge to visit, we were worn out by the Loop walk so did not attempt this one, chickened out and just did the photo walk.

Big River ranch camp site Kalbarri
Z bend gorge
Fault line that you stood inside at Z bend


Kalbarri has changed somewhat to our last visit 16 years ago. Gone very upmarket and smart.

We did "The Loop" hike around the gorge. 9k, luckily it was an overcast day so heat not so much of a problem, I would hate to do that walk in full sun.

Wonderful walk we shared with the fly population of Western Australia, the hat nets came in very handy, although the little devils managed to get inside when we stopped for a drink.

The last photo shows where the path goes along the river, this part was quite wide, in places we were crawling on all fours, obviously difficult to take pictures.

Geraldton and Port Gregory

The drama of the flat battery has been resolved. It looks as if the wiring that was installed in Hervey Bay may be faulty, nothing to do with the battery or the the charger or the solar panel. We didn't buy a new battery we did buy a new controller for the panel. We now check the connection every time we connect the solar panel.

4 days in Geraldton then we were off to Port Gregory. Fantastic reef just off shore protects the beach, so no surf.

Beach at port Gregory
Sunset Geraldton
Reef Port Gregory