Tuesday 20 November 2012

St Lawrence and Airlie Beach

Stopped off at St Lawrence just to have a look at the wetlands.

Stopped at Airlie Beach to go to sea in a Tall Ship, absolute magic.

Tuesday 13 November 2012

Week 48

On the move at last!!!!!!!

We spent the last 3 days of 48 at Cania Gorge. We had meant to get as far as Airlie Beach but the Bruce Highway defeated us in the end. It took 7 hours to travel 350k.

Never mind we would never have got to this wonderful place.

Sunday 4 November 2012

More from Cooktown to Hervey Bay

1. Barron Falls, Karunga. Are these people skinny dipping half way up the falls?
2. Innisfail
3. Barron Falls from the railway station Kurunga
4. Some bridge, this was the Burdekin Bridge near Townsville
5. The cable cars Karunga
6. Cardwell halfway from Cairns to Townsville, cyclone Yasi romped through here last year, looking good now.

Down the road from Cooktown

I hadn't realised how many photo's I took so split them into 3 blogs.

1. The Lions Den, film crew from Queensland Weekender were there to film me.
2. Bloomfield Falls
3. This is how you teach very young kids to ride bulls. Local Bull Riding carnival, Cooktown
4. Museum building Cooktown
5. On the foreshore this musical boat, you can ding dong for hours, which as you can see is right up my street

On the move again

Well that was quite some break, very unexpected but necessary. All is complete, health checks, houses and finance. Everything AOK.

To continue with my travel diary here are the photos for the few weeks around Cooktown, before we made the racing trip to Hervey Bay.

Going up to Cooktown

1. Bridge on the Bloomfield Track
2. Tree in Mossman Gorge
3. Daintree River
4. Hang gliding off a cliff
5. Rainforest with rain, Mossman Gorge