Saturday 23 June 2012

Windjana Gorge

Start of the Gibb River Road, first stop Windjana Gorge. Our first encounter with Fresh Water Crocodiles, even if they were quite small.

Windjana Gorge is an ancient Devonion Reef which the Leonard river has cut through. Leaving some fossilized remains.

Windjana, Tunnel Creek

Another first for me, underground, knee deep in water and in the dark. Magic.

Tuesday 19 June 2012


A wonderful week in Broome, meeting up with friends from Perth, thank you both very much.

An unexpected chance to go out sailing with Broome Sailing Club on Sunday afternoon made a fitting end to a magic week.

1. Hard at work sailing
2. Camels on Cable Beach going home
3. Sunset Cable Beach
4. Cable Beach, tide out.
5. Pearl Lugger out for a sail

Sunday 17 June 2012

Cape Leveque

This has to be one of the truly memorable places we have visited.

Took a hairy 4wd to get there (my first experience of crazy corrugations). No caravans allowed on the campsite so no juggernauts next door, peaceful , warm, and a fantastic beach.

Day trip to Cygnet Pearl Farm, and another birthday bash with attitude. Lunch, tour, cake and pearls, heaveeeeeeen.

Wednesday 13 June 2012

Munroe Station

We took a fellow travelers advice and went to stay on a Cattle Station for a couple of days. The guy running it for the owners for a few months comes from Tasmania and writes books about the Kimberly's, he was a perfect host and took us out on the station to see how the cattle man lives. On the last day he killed a beast and shared it out, never have I had meat in my hands that is still warm and jelly like. Tastes delicious. Loved the experience.

The birds are Brolga's
Trev helping with some fencing
Sharing out the beast
Beasts on the station
Our dining room

Wednesday 6 June 2012

Week 26. Port Hedland - Point Keraudren

Bliss, bliss, bliss a hot shower and a washing machine. The red dust has been washed off but surprisingly all my clean clothes are getting covered in red dust, maybe it will take a bit longer.

Port Hedland salt and iron ore, in one place being loaded side by side.

Cape Keraudren windy, on the beach , sunny and remote.

1. Tides out Cape Keraudren.
2. Salt and iron ore loading side by side
3. Tides out CK
4. Moving salt Port Hedland
5. Moonrise CK
6. Making ratatouille on the beach CK
7. Boules beach style CK

Saturday 2 June 2012

Karrijini- Weano Gorge, Hancocks Gorge

My birthday treat was going for a hike to test our skills.

Had a great start and chickened out of swimming a very cold pool to get to the really spectacular parts of the gorge, but I did enjoy the circular route back to the car park, all grade 3 walks.

Hancocks Gorge was something else, grade 3 to start, then grade 4 to the Amphitheater then grade 5 to Spiders walk, then grade 6 onwards. I got as far as Spiders walk then realized that there was a good reason you needed a guide for the rest, sooooo I stopped but I did enjoy myself, a great birthday.

Week 25. Karrijini National Park. Dales Gorge

More red dust but not as thick. We drove 250k on dirt roads, enough.

I love Kirrijini, the gorges were fantastic and all the walks graded so we could tell if we would manage them.

Dales Gorge where we camped was the first hike. Fortescue Falls, Circular Pool and Fern Pool all grade 3 walks, perfect.

Fortescue Falls
Fern Pool
Circular Pool
Circular Pool

Millstream National Park

After the drive from Exmouth to Karratha which was a bit of disappointment due to the number of mines, mine vehicles, pylons and gas plants driving into Millstream was a pleasure, completely natural bush no signs of development until we were stopped at a railway crossing for ages to let two trains swap tracks and have a chat.

Millstream was peaceful but dusty our first taste of the red dust of Australia. The rosella's kept us entertained morning and evening and during the day kept us company in the trees above, we had no idea where they went at night.

Millstream homestead was beautiful the lily pond I could have imagined living
there myself.

Kitchen at Millstream Homestead
Lily pond
Millstream Homestead
Traffic jam

Week 24. 40 Mile Beach - Cossack

Left Exmouth and off to 40 Mile beach, spent 2 nights and had gale force winds. The tent was pitched on the edge of a slight cliff and the dust went every where. I had no idea that soft red dust could get to the places it did. The wind was forecast stronger for Wednesday so we upped and left for Millstream stopping off at Cossack to visit the old port. Amazing that somewhere so busy and prosperous could last such a short time. Broome took over the pearling and the cyclones did the rest. The buildings are very well preserved if made of stone and as the wind was blowing well I could imagine how horrific a cyclone could be.

40 mile beach
Customs Office
Post Office