Thursday 29 December 2011

Webbs Creek

Took the kayaks accoss the Hawksberry and up the creek opposite the camp site. After the hustle and bustle of the main river the tranquility of Webbs Ceek came as a lovely surprise. Used the slack tide to go up and the falling tide to come back, all very peaceful. Wrong time of day for wildlife but great for the soul.

Monday 26 December 2011

Sydney to Hobart yacht race.

Fantastic day watching the start of the race from South Heads, Sydney.


1. Wild Oats turns for Hobart
2. Helicopter keeping watch
3. Just after the start
4. The start

Christmas Day

Lots to eat and lots to drink, a nearly perfect day.

Pic 2 Breakfast
3 People on their Christmas presents
1 High tide at lunch time in front of the tent

Saturday 24 December 2011

Week 3. Nundle to Wisemans Ferry. Via Singleton, Cessnock, Wollombi, Bucketty, Central Mangrove.

Packed up in very damp conditions after thunderstorms yesterday, rain late afternoon but thankfully it stopped to it up the tent.

The amenities in Nundle were paradise, the amenities here are less than basic but the views from the tent are magnificent, we are on the waters edge looking across the Hawksberry river and we have constant entertainment watching the guys trying to ski, bit like a day on boat ramp.

We have enough Christmas food to last until next Christmas so looking forward to a very full tummy for the next week.

Photo is the view from Nundle tent site.

Tuesday 20 December 2011


Did the tour of Nundle today.

Photo. Patchwork shop. Patchwork on the hill. Been running for 22 years, fantastic place.

Photo. Odgers and McClelland Exchange Stores, lots to see and buy in here.

Nundle Woolen Mill. Working woolen mill with historic machinery, would like to have been here when it is all running.

Photo.I also loved the little church. Nundle won the best kept village this year and looking at the Church you could see why.

Week 2. Wooli to Nundle. NSW

Monday morning started out great, no rain. Went from Wooli - Grafton then took the Glen Innes Road up through the Walshpool National Park And the Gibraltar Ranges to Glen Inness, Armidale, Tamworth to shop, then on to Nundle, SE of Tamworth.

Nundle is a lovely small town, 280 people, great campsite but after traveling for 486k and 8 hours, it rained and we put up the tent for the 3rd time in the wet. Getting used to this.

In the Gibraltar Ranges went to a look out called Rasberrys Lookout. The view didn't come out on the camera but the Rasberry did.

Christmas carols in Wooli

Sunday evening and St Margaret's Church Wooli put on a free sausage sizzle, carols and a visit from Santa. Nice start to Christmas.

Friday 16 December 2011

On the kayaks

Finally made it back onto the water, last lime was in Hervey Bay. Went for a 4 hour paddle up the river and back. Used the tides for comfort, went at a cracking pace down river but had to wait a bit for the tide to actually run the other way, but once it got going, very easy peddle back. Finally appreciate wind over tide, makes for a very choppy sea.

Photo is at the start of the ride, I think the locals were not that impressed . I love pelicans so you might see a few more than you wanted to.

Thursday 15 December 2011

Coastal walk

Spent all day walking some of the coastal footpath, went from Wooli north to Diggers Camp. Not vey far in km but took a long time as stopping to take photos took ages.

Well looked after path and vey clear . Very lucky to see one of the endangered emus, only 98 left in the area. Lots of wild flowers and wild seas. Sun came out as we sat down for lunch.

Wednesday 14 December 2011


Spent the day being tourist in Grafton, walked the heritage trail for two hours then just had to stop and have lunch, the Clock Tower had a fabulous menu for $9.90 so that was us. Finished the out of town part of the tour in the car, my feet just couldn't take any more. Photo is of the fig tree avenue, Grafton is known for its jacaranda trees but we missed the season by a month.

Lots of very pretty cottages in Grafton and the Cathedral was well worth the visit. Would not want to be in the city when a serious flood happens, the Clarence is a huge river, next photo is of the bridge spanning the river

Tuesday 13 December 2011

1. Brisbane to Wooli NSW

Raining again this morning, good news it stopped and the sun came out when we had finished packing up the tent.

Bowling along the Pacific highway thinking how well we were doing so stopped for a cup of tea, very nice man asked us not to forget the time change, which we had. Now things are not so good as we are an hour later, bit of a rush now too get to site and get set up. Of course we get to Wooli and we are in the middle of a thunderstorm, Hero's that we are we soldiered on.

Today is something different, blue skies and nice and warm. Walk along the beach then back along the river, read a book this afternoon, life looks good.

Sunday 11 December 2011

Trial week

This is the first time using this blog, let me know how it comes out your end.

This week has been torrential rain for 6 out of 7 days and not very conducive to being in a tent, but hey ho I am surviving.

Phillip if you know any way to get a better blog on the iPad let me in on the secret. I had a nice blog but I could not get any photos on to it.

Views would be appreciated.

Love you, Mum. Xxxxxxx